A Cosy Haven With Views Of Nature: Cabin Norderhov

Cabin Norderhov - a cosy haven with views of nature

Sometimes, in the depths of winter, when it’s really cold and the rain is pouring down outside, I dream of being in a little wooden cabin where it’s cosy and warm. A haven and shelter from the elements.

Snowy view from the windows of Cabin Norderhov

This retreat would have an inviting fireplace, comfortable areas for sitting, and big windows overlooking wide open spaces with a beautiful lake below. I’d sit inside next to the fire and write, while enjoying stunning panoramic views of nature from the comfort of that warm interior.

I think Cabin Norderhov might be that cabin of my dreams.


7 Ways to Turn Your Home Into a Happy Haven For Winter

Hygge, throw and candles

Now that the clocks have gone back for winter and it gets dark earlier, it can feel quite gloomy and miserable. And with colder weather setting in, you’ll probably be spending more time indoors.

So here are some ways to brighten up your home and turn it into a happy haven for the winter months.