Biophilic Design: Why Do We Find A Room With A View So Appealing?

Biophilic Design - a room with a view

If I was to ask you to list the main criteria you would like for your dream home, what would they be?

I’m guessing that high up on your wish list might be for your home to be situated in a location with a breathtaking view. (Perhaps by the sea, in the mountains, countryside or in a forest.) And to be able to enjoy the scenery with a panoramic vista of it through your windows.


How Biophilic Design Could Help You Sleep Better

Biophilic bedroom design

One of the best night’s sleep I ever had was when I once stayed in a hotel where each hotel room was an individual wooden chalet.

Simply furnished, but very cosy, I’ve rarely felt so rested and refreshed upon waking up. While the clear country air certainly helped. It was pointed out to me that it probably also had a lot to do with the entire structure being made out of wood – a natural material.

That was the first time I made the connection between the effect of our bedroom environment  and its ability to help us sleep well. And the importance of bringing more nature and natural materials into our homes. I didn’t realise at the time that there was a name for this: Biophilia.

Various research studies have shown that there are clear links between biophilia and well-being. So introducing some elements of biophilic design into your bedroom could go a long way to helping you get a better night’s sleep.


New Trend Alert: Indoor Trees

Indoor trees

The trend for bringing more biophilic design into our homes just keeps on growing (literally!)

It began with the resurgence of house plants. For a while considered a bit outdated, plants have now become almost essential home accessories, that no stylish interior can be without.

But you may have noticed that the trend has recently gone a step further – with indoor trees.


Inspired By Nature

Illuminated cloud Inspired by Nature

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re sitting at your desk trying to write a blog post, find inspiration or resolve a problem. But nothing comes. You draw a blank. Cooped up in your room, the creativity doesn’t flow.


Urban Jungle Bloggers: There’s Biophilia In Store

Biophilia in retail design - Urban Jungle Bloggers

A few weeks ago, when I received the email from Igor and Judith about this month’s Urban Jungle Blogger’s topic, my first thought was: where could I go to find some inspiring ideas? Because the theme for May is “Greens in cafés, shops & restaurants”.

And then I remembered some photos I took one very rainy day back in February …


How To Use Biophilic Design In Your Home To Increase Happiness And Well-Being

Biophilic design in the home

Biophilic design is far more than just another passing trend.

Designers and architects increasingly recognise both the importance and benefits of combining nature with design. And biophilia is fast becoming an integral element of interior design, architecture and planning.

As well as improving the look and feel of your home, biophilia can also increase your feelings of happiness and well-being. Research has shown that exposure to nature can lower stress, elevate your mood, make you feel more relaxed and improve cognitive functions.

And the good news is that it is easy to introduce some biophilic design into your home. You don’t need to give it a full makeover or hire a specialist. Just a few changes can make a big difference.

Here’s a short introduction to a few of the guiding principles of biophilic design. Along with some ideas of how to add these nature-based design elements into your home.


A Bench That Blends Seating With Nature

Saturnia grass bench by Philippe Nigro on Mocha UK

After talking all about biophilia and biophilic design last week, I was thrilled to discover this beautiful bench on Freshome.

The Saturnia Bench is a creative piece of furniture that combines seating with nature. Made of natural stone, a central island of lush green grass flows down its length. And it is bordered by squares and rectangles of differing sizes which serve as seats. It’s a great example of biophilic design.


What Is Biophilia? And Why You Need Biophilic Design In Your Home

What is biophilia and biophilic design - Mocha

Biophilia. It’s a word you’re about to start hearing a lot more of. And it’s going to have an increasing influence on interior design and architecture.

The word ‘biophilia’ literally means a love of life or living things. (It stems from Greek and is the opposite of phobia. Phobia = fear of. Philia = love of.) We have an intuitive and deeply ingrained attraction to nature, and a biological need for contact with the natural world.

If I asked you to imagine a place where you feel calm and relaxed, chances are you would imagine a place in nature. Researchers have found that more than 90% of us imagine a natural setting.

We feel good in nature. But even more than this, our physical and mental well-being depends on continued engagement with the natural environment. It affects our personal well-being, productivity and even relationships with others.